Life with the Campbell's

Life with the Campbell's

Life with the Campbell's

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Confessions of a stay at home mommy.. Part 1

I started this blog in hopes of giving myself a creative outlet to share my feelings , my loves, my worries, my hopes , my dreams and most of all something to share with my girls as they get older... now I understand some of my post if not all of them will be about my girls but I am a stay at home mom.. so my life consist of nothing but stories to tell..haha!Honestly i have learned that the best moms sometimes need a break too.. i have always felt guilty if I am not with them every second of my day.. and of course that is catching up with me. 2 children later:) My breaks are however few and far between since i work 24/7 as a mom, wife, doctor, therapist, professional entertainer to my girls, housekeeper...and the list will and can go on... don't get me wrong .. i absolutely feel BLESSED to be at home with my girls and Love them more than LIFE itself.. but there is exhaustion in my voice constantly..and it has been so wonderful to meet other moms that feel the same way.. I would not change my life for one second but i know for me to be a happy mom I need a break every once and a while too.. and the kids I am sure need a break from me too...Mike asked me the other night "honey what can I do for you do give you a break? "so I thought about it for a while and decided here are just a couple of things I would love just for one day:
  • Complete silence ! Yep you heard me right!!
  • going to the bathroom alone... NOBODY banging on the door screaming MOMMY
  • booger & snot free clothes for one day
  • breaking up constant arguments between the girls
  • NO DOCTORS VISITS (just for One day at least)
  • would love a quiet bath ALONE.. minus the toy bin that always is overflowing with bath toys that always fall out on my head
  • would just love to sit in bed all day and do nothing but read and sleep
  • not being a short order cook& not having to explain to my child why she has to eat anything other than chicken &peanut butter
  • Nap time-just don't understand why kids fight it so hard and I would die for one..
  • overall would just like one DRAMA free day.. Please & Thank you:)
I am sure my list could go on but here is just a few! I know these don't compare to all the GOOD things my life consist of with my family.. but this is what was on my heart to write today since this is what I live!haha! you know I think if my life did not have some kind of drama I would be worried .. because my life is a storybook in the making and I am constantly writing on the pages scribbling out things trying to make it my own.. but i have come to realize the only person that knows my happy ending is my Savior Jesus Christ.. and with God on my side I am not fearful of the blank pages ahead of me.

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