Life with the Campbell's

Life with the Campbell's

Life with the Campbell's

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dumpster Diving for Coupons today? Yes I think so!

So as most of my friends and family know I love saving money and finding good deals so after much thought I started dumpster diving at the recycling bins for coupons... and YES it is clean!! it is only newspapers not garbage.. my sweet mom had a fit when she found this out.. but its actually pretty exciting .. instead of spending tons of money on papers i can get what everyone one else throws away.. and put to good use:)I have been building my family's stockpile for a while now and don't think we will EVER need more toothbrushes or razors for years!! haha!! no excuses to not have good hygiene! and then I am secretly trying to build my stockpile for my church to start a food excited about this new journey! I remember struggling at times when I was young and know what it feels like to live paycheck to paycheck after I got married.. so I thought well God gave me a gift of saving money and being able to stay home with my two girls serving others and I would love to teach others to do the same:) So if you see this crazy mom of two going through the recycling bins honk your horn and be nice i might even share my coupons with you!!LOL


  1. Hey Girlie!
    Cute blog! I just started couponing a couple months ago...wish I had more time to do it!
    Hope HG is having a great week at school!!

  2. thanks April:)) I am new to this maybe you can give me a few tips:)) I love reading yours. and your pics are beautiful!!
